C2ak meaning and definition

C2ak meaning

The word that defines this word is actually the defining word of word. Therefore this word is the word that defines the word word and that word is the definition of this word.

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c2b meaning

Social media has completely reversed the B2C (Business to Consumer) model. Now it's C2B (Consumer to Business).

c2c meaning

Cam-to-cam. Online interaction where both parties are visible to each other via webcam. Sometimes used for simple conversations, but most often for exhibitionistic/voyeuristic remote sex. Usually seen in terms of a proposition in a chat room.

C2C Ratio meaning

Stands for 'Cunt to Cock Ratio' and refers to the ratio of women to men at a given event. It is rarely given as an actual number but its favourability is often discussed.

c2d meaning

core 2 duo. brand of processor made by the company Intel.

c2e meaning

cease to exist

c2h5oh meaning

One of the most important molecules in male life. the other two are H2O and O2. It's a molecular formula of alcohol, more precisely ethanol, or drinking alcohol. In other word, solution to all life problems.

c2j meaning

"Come to Jesus"

C2M meaning

Abbreviation for "Chuckling to Myself", used to express laughter via instant messages and text messages. More accurate and honest than the commonly (mis)used "lol" in regard to to the actual physical act of text-derived laughter.

C2P meaning

Cock 2 Pussy.

C2PB meaning

Contrary to Popular Belief.A semi-rant, semi-list of things about yourself that people don't really understand or grasp, and things in society you believe or don't believe in, even if few people agree with you.Not a hate speech, just expressing your beliefs and how you feel that don't go with the general population.Commonly posted on Facebook as a note or status.