meaning and definitionC6H0
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meanings of C6H0
A reference to that one time that Centre College's football team beat Harvard in the collegiate championships. They have not shut up about it for 90 years, and even today C6H0 has appeared on graffiti, slogans, posters, and water bottles... wait, what?
The molecular formula for the aromatic cyclic hydrocarbon Benzene.
6th generation vette supposed to put 500 hp to the wheels this fall at a price around 60k (cheaper than a viper) see also: chevy chevrolet c6 corvette vette z06
A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Get out of there, it's gonna blow! but said in normal life
Section in Riker's Island used to hold adolescent offenders.
C7AY-Means a gay person.
A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Negative, but said in normal life
Short for Cloud Nine, or another name for the m249 LMG also known as the "SAW"
C93 is an acronym commonly used as shorthand when referring to the neofolk group Current 93, especially common amongst fans in instant messaging conversations.
Short for "Cinderella 99". A potent marijuana strain that resulted from a Jack Herer and ShivaSkunk cross that is known for its fruity aroma and uplifting, trippy high. The genetics include Haze, Northern Lights, and Skunk.
Chemical formula for aspirin.