meaning and definitionC7AY
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meanings of C7AY
C7AY-Means a gay person.
A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning: Negative, but said in normal life
Short for Cloud Nine, or another name for the m249 LMG also known as the "SAW"
C93 is an acronym commonly used as shorthand when referring to the neofolk group Current 93, especially common amongst fans in instant messaging conversations.
Short for "Cinderella 99". A potent marijuana strain that resulted from a Jack Herer and ShivaSkunk cross that is known for its fruity aroma and uplifting, trippy high. The genetics include Haze, Northern Lights, and Skunk.
Chemical formula for aspirin.
Abbreviation for clusterfuck. the '9' stands for the 9 letters between the 'c' and the 'k'
Combat Arms. combatarms.nexon.net
The CA18DE is a late 1980's motor released by Nissan and fitted to the Nissan Exa's, 180SX and Silvia, as well as the SSS Bluebird. It is a fuel injected, Double Overhead Cam set-up. It came out in two versions N/A and Turbo. It is one of the hardiest motors to be released by Nissan, due to the similar design principles that had been used to create the RB series motors.
Nissan's 4 cylinder, 1.8 litre, DOHC, EFI, Turbo engine used in cars such as pulsars and Silvias. These motors are best paired to automatic gearboxes as it is the only way you can take advantage of the mad shift points they have.
She's the one chick in the crowd who shouts yes when everyone else shouts no. She's all for partying and just having fun. She's got many different sides, and isn't just a typo gone amazing. She knows what to do as long as there's directions, and she tends to be all-around desirable.