CALGALS meaning and definition

CALGALS meaning

A cackle of middle aged women who stick together and tend to gossip about people or promote their own agenda. They think they may be worthy of a calendar pictorial, but are visually frightening.

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calgan meaning

used primarily by those on the West Coast of Canada, the word Calgan is a verb and literally means dominate. The word has gained increasingly widespread use having first been used to describe favourable negotiation in business, but it is now used for any domination of life.The breakdown of the word originates from a hybrid of Vancouver and Calgary, from which much of Canadian success exists, and combines the two cities' characteristics of cutthroat deal making and prosperity.

Calganon meaning

A combination of the words 'Calgary' and 'Anonymous'. Used in 4chan to describe someone from the Canadian city of Calgary.

Calgaria meaning

The mental affliction where ridiculously expensive housing in the City of Calgary, Alberta seems normal. This is transferable to any city with insanely high housing prices.

calgarian meaning

Cal-Gary, the names of the two men whose marriage was the first between two persons of the same sex. Calgarian is a term used to define a gay marriage. Calgary Flames, a calgarian hockey team consisting of gay men.

Calgariyadh meaning

A slang term for the Canadian city of Calgary, Alberta (name combined with Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), due to the large growing population of Arab/Islamic people, especially in the Northeast. (Similar to Vancouver as "Hongcouver")

Calgaro meaning

A last name- German in origin. These people are usually responsible and are very stubborn. They are also perfectionists and their parents always know what's best for them. The "Calgaro's" are very smart and know how to keep up with today's technology and styles. These people have healthy habit's and choose good friends.

Calgarophobia meaning

Is the fear of being anywhere south of Red Deer or north of the United States border into Alberta. Symptoms often include IQ's dropping 100 points, necks spontaneously enflaming and turning red, an enormous spike in arrogance, and the craving to put on a cowboy hat and hump his/ her sibling. The only cure to this phobia is to keep heading north to Edmonton where the people are classy, the sports teams are better and more passionate, the shopping centres are superior, and the river valley is beautiful.

Calgary meaning

A city in the province of Alberta, Canada, that has roughly a million people, hosts the Calgary Stampede, and should be the capital city instead of Edmonton.

calgary clam bake meaning

When a member of the Calgary Flames cums on the outside of a vagina then dries it with a lit candle.

Calgary Flamers meaning

A funny term used by Edmontoinans when Calgary loses a hockey game to them.