Cactul meaning and definition

Cactul meaning

another word for ladder, usually used to describe a place to climb in a video game.Can also be used to describe anything uterrly awesome.

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Cactupus meaning

Cactupus is a word, it means both everything and nothing and can be used in any context.It also sounds like it should be a word, but isn't.The english language does not have a word that means nothing and everything. To be honest i think this is a disgrace.

cactus meaning

A phylum of plants that has evolved to live in arid conditions. Pl:Cactii

Cactus 15-49 meaning

A transportation vessel that is doomed, but will keep you safe upon impact. The U.S. Airways flight that belly flopped into the Hudson River was Cactus 1549.

cactus arms meaning

when someone breaks both of their arms and has a cast where the arms look like a cactus

cactus ass meaning

A prickly, fiery burning in the rectal cavity during the act of defecation, as though one were passing a cactus through the colon.

cactus balls meaning

When it has been a few days since a man has shaved his scrotum and the hair has grown out becoming prickly.

Cactus Bang meaning

Sexual act where the female places a cell phone in or on her vagina (set to Vibrate) and five or more people call her repeatedly.

Cactus Bat meaning

A highly refined weapon developed by zombie-fearing bros: A baseball bat with nails protruding from every angle

Cactus Bitch meaning

Meaning: Someone who is very annoying

Cactus Bombs meaning

When Mike Gordon of Phish is on an extended jam dropping funky sexy bass grooves.