Cala meaning and definition

Cala meaning

A beautiful, cute, sexy, hot, gorgeous girl, who is funny, smart and loves to laugh.

Cala meaning

A nasty ass cracka hick, that hasn't seen the light of day, and is doomed to having sex with microwaved bagels

Cala meaning

T3h d34d s3ks4y l3zb0 of RPGC.

Cala meaning

T3h d34d s3ks4y l3zb0 of RPGC.

Read also:

Cala a boca meaning

''Shut Up'' in Portuguese

Calab meaning

1. Someone who is easily insulted by a small group of friends. 2. A man who looks like a caveman and is hairy and beastly looking. 3. See gaylab for more information.

calabalous meaning

a retarded lesbien with a dirty pussy

calabangfishing meaning

fishing and camping at the same time

Calabasas meaning

Dante's forgotten 10th circle of hell.A city in Southern California. Most people know Calabasas for 2 things: Britney Spears, and the Kardashians. But who gives a shit about celebrities when the city itself sucks major ass?Sure, it's filled with houses that cost more than the GDP of a developing country, along with spotlessly clean streets completely free of homeless people and stores where the average price of a t-shirt is $100.But honestly, the superficiality of the city is also very much prevalent in its citizens. The typical Calabasas resident is young, rude, rich, and horny. They start off early; you'll see stupid little 10 year old girls with their Louis Vuitton purses and Seven jeans giggling to their friends on their iPhones all about the guy that they just kissed the other day. Everyone here is so inconsiderate and self-absorbed that it makes me sick. Genuine, kindhearted people are rare.All anyone gives a shit about here are drugs, alcohol, sex, ugly designer clothes that are not worth their face value, and expensive cell phones. This place is shit. Do yourself a favor and run far, far away. You'll thank me.

Calabasas High School meaning

Okay so after all these terrible definitions, your thinking "Calabasas can't be that bad". Oh but it is. The food, people, teachers, curriculum, and school itself is awful. Food? Tastes like shit. People? They are shit. Teachers? Once again they are shit. Curriculum? Is shit. School? Shithole. Heredia=FUCKING BITCH FROM HELL if your reading this heredia... fuck you. The first couple weeks of CHS are great. YAY HIGH SCHOOL! But I can guarantee you will hate the fours years you go to that school. Thank God I'm leaving next year.

Calabasas MILF meaning

A Calabasas MILF is a MILF from the city of Calabasas, CA. Calabasas is loaded with smokin hot moms more than any other city around. Calabasas MILF's are better looking than your general milf as they tend to be younger women (late twenties and up) and are just beautiful. A lot of them drive Range Rovers.

calabash meaning

A large gourd.

Calabash Nigga meaning

One of them "oh shit u don't fuck with them" people.

Calabash Seafood meaning

A shitty place where mediocre seafood is overpriced and served to unsuspecting senior citizens.