meaning and definitionc0de
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meanings of c0de
A silly little IRC user who thinks he can hack the planet with his 1337 skills. From this delusion we get the IRC nickname "c0de" as it apparently asserts himself within the IRC community as being "1337" or "hax0r". When in reality, he's a bit of a prick who knows not alot about anything worth knowing about.
1337 Slang for "Cock"
c0ke means what e1f drinks all day
Held the reign of number one rogue in the Runescape MMORPG game Runescape the longest, known for his insane f2p skills and his Zerker Pure with the legendary name of "Combat".
A Member of hR, Resides on battle.net to be the porch monkey of all. Goes by the name of BoB. Previous member of zer0. Best friend is a nigger.
A term used to describe a minecraft player who donates a large amount to a server, then leaves for no apparent reason
A term used to described scene kids who have done nothing to an obnoxious n00b.
nerd, leet, haxor, gamer, irc way of spelling cock and derivatives of cock such as cock sucker or cock master.
hardcore. because the "hard" is implied.
Bulletin board for FXP kiddie nerds who think they are über 1337. It's administrated by major geeks such as Uniter and Steveswaldo. Used to be a good community, until all the n00bs on it decided to try and take control by creating a "democracy".
referring to tranny, tran, transexual, transensual, transvestite, trans; man/woman; no gender; tr0n; usually paid money to do sexual favors; has nice weave and expensive makeup.