caahnt meaning and definition

caahnt meaning

how a chav pronounces the word 'cunt' much favoured by council estate scum: age, gender, or generation regardless.

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CAAK meaning

The Bostonian word for male penis

caamano meaning

Some fuckwit, will find any possible way to make your life a living cringe.

caanan meaning

the act of rimming a fat chick

caap meaning

A legal restraining/protective order put on someone because of threats, stalking, etc.

caasi meaning

Complete opposite of Isaac

Caat meaning

Like a cat but longer.

caathi meaning

it's a somali word that means 'it's all good'

caauwe meaning

1. Word used to describe sitting on your balls. 2. A nickname for your history teacher.

Caazapa meaning

the absolute best town to grow up in! Its in the middle of Paraguay. 8 blocks by 8 blocks. Home of IBC and of course its my favorite place on earth. come visit :) you won't want to leave and do drink out of the bolaños

cab meaning

Short for Crazy Ass Bitch