meaning and definitioncabaiste
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meanings of cabaiste
a gobshite, a cabbage
Alternate spelling of 'cabbage'. Applies to a person who is a cabbage or something a stupid person would do. Originally used as "Cabaje Englandish"
An angry AI core created by the Brotherhood of NOD. At first, CABAL was merely a puppet of NOD, obeying all their wishes and helping the fight the Global Defense Initiative (GDI). However, in the firestorm age, CABAL got overloaded on tiberium vines and took on a life of his own. The AI core now imagined that he was his own being and owed loyalty to no one. He then went medieval on both GDI and NOD, destroying evrything in his path.
A small girl with unusually wide hips.
A 360 Fakie Ollie. Named after its creator, Steve Caballero.
Gentalmen in spanish.
spanish word for someone that is more than a horse. a 'caballo' horse being a person that is half gentleman and half animal(stupid). so a caballete have more parts of the animal than parts of the gentleman, meaningSTUPID MANbut the person its less stupid than calling him 'burro' donkey.
To be playing the free massively multiplayer online game Cabal.
Latino expression for a "real" man
A Venezuelan term used to describe a stunning, hot and good-looking woman.
A machine that Caballsalates