cafaker meaning and definition

cafaker meaning

A person who partonizes a cafake.

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Cafango meaning

noun: drink consisting of a mix of cuban coffee, milk, and peach nectar. Created by Cubans in the 1930s because there was low importation of goods such as sugar, salt, and flour among others. Since they were not able to sweeten up their coffee they sweetened it up with peach nectar. A one of a kind delicacy created by a one of a kind people.

Cafankles meaning

(n)-Slang term- A condition in which a persons calf, ankle, and foot are completely unrecognizable from one another, making distinguishing the different areas of the leg extremely difficult.Condition appears in people with excessive weight or girth.

cafart meaning

When you force out a cough in attempt to cover a fart.

Cafartic meaning

A purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension by the act of farting.

cafaware meaning

Apparel worn to a café.

cafcebo effect meaning

The phenomenon by which decaf can actually keep you awake, but only if you don't know it's decaf.

caf chill meaning

When a group of friends goes to the caf for the dual purpose of eating and hanging out. Caf chills typically last at least an hour, and are filled with multiple course meals, and prime hottie(male or female) scoping.

cafcow meaning

coffee with milk

caf crush meaning

That girl/guy you always see in meal hall that you want so bad. Nobody ever tells who their caf crush is, but everyone has one. Mostly a University thing, but can also happen in high school.

cafd meaning

Competitive as fuck disorder