cajj meaning and definition

cajj meaning

Short term for 'casual,' im fine, im good.

cajj meaning

cajj ; short for casual, used to describe a state of relaxation or comfort.

cajj meaning

Abbreviation for casual - used more as a stand-alone statement rather than in an adjectival form. Originally coined in 2009 by Sara Last and Grace Lieberson.

cajj meaning

1. This is a word you might to use in an awkward sexual sitiuation, or just to imply that you want to get inside somebody's pants. Or possibly rip thier pants off.2. One might also use this word to confuse the buddies (aka. the weaker-minded people).

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Cajka meaning

(chake-uh) adjective, noun, verb referring to defecation. Specifically, when one soils their own pants.

Cajobbled meaning

wack; messed up; confused

cajoel meaning

When somebody is talked into a dirty sexual act, by a man named Joel.

cajolas meaning

another word for crap or shit. pronounced cuh-joe-luhs

cajole meaning

1. A traditional mexican dance, done by holding both arms at a 90 degree angle from your body with your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle, and moving them up and down in opposite directions from your shoulder, while rubbing your thumbs against your fingers. You should do this dance to communicate an understanding that has been reached between you and your cajolé-ee. It can be used in place of a handshake, fist bump, etc. 2. A traditional mexican side dish.

Cajolies meaning

(n) A man's testicles.

cajonas meaning

nut sack, specifically nuts , balls

cajones meaning

Cajónes Spanish pronunciation: (kaˈ'xon 'is) Noun.1.) NOUN: Slang for "testicles".2.) NOUN: To "use" them, is to possess strength and bravery.3.) NOUN (PLURAL): A spanish plywood box drum used by slapping the front face with the hands.

cajonita meaning

A chick with big balls, or a ovaries. They have a no fear attitude and will try and do almost anything.