calmlybleeding meaning and definition

calmlybleeding meaning

To withstand pain while being calm. The act of menstruating and not outwardly showing it. A metaphor for living amidst a downtrodden world. To be sane during moments of panic. To be crazy during moments of calm.

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calmmity meaning

The utmost feeling of being calm.

Calm of Chaos meaning

Calm of Chaos is a band from Kent, Ohio. Formally known as A Dying Light, the band was founded by lead vocalist/lyricist, James Christian. The band is completed with Kayla Turk on lead guitar and backup vocals, Doug Callahan on Bass, and Devin Mays on Rhythm Guitar. COC is still searching for a drummer. For their early demos, Kayla Turk recorded drum tracks. The style of the band is debatable, but most people agree that it sucks. Christian's vocals are a cheap imitation of Avenged Sevenfold's lead singer M. Shadow's style. Mixing screamed vocals and cleaned vocals is an old, worn out vocal style, that has been used over and over again. It's called Metalcore. But to perform Metalcore correctly, or fluently, you must have a vocalist who can actually sing. Christian's screams are weak and repetitive, and his clean vocals are wretched. They are whiny, and couldn't hold a note to save his life. Turk's lead guitar work is impressive, along with her fill-in drums on the early demos. Mays' guitar work is average at best. Callahan has yet to be heard as the newly joined bass player. He joined in April of 2009, replacing the former bass player who was expelled from COC in April of 2009. Callahan comes from the death metal band Torment of Sin. TOS is nothing but a bunch of potheads who are baked all the time and aren't good enough to meet Callahan's bass standards. Calm of Chaos is a joke of a band and should not be taken seriously or respected. This band will never go anywhere with James Christian as their vocalist. COC is not metal whatsoever. They are what is wrong with metal. Bands trying to be carbon copies of other bands. Hint, hint: A7X. Long live true metal

Calm of Chaos Band meaning

A Band from Kent, Ohio formed in 2009. Brought together by Vocalist/Lyricist James Christian and Lead Guitar/Vocalist Kayla Turk. Calm Of Chaos's early demos were recorded in Kayla's home studio and later praised by over thousands of fans on myspace. Soon after Doug Callahan joined the band as Bass, Devin Mays as Rythm Guitar, and Dom Iacoboni as Drums. They are currently working on their first LP which a song known as Memories of Broken Pain has been pre-studio recorded and sampled on their myspace to hear the change in vocals. Just google "Calm Of Chaos" and click the 2nd link to hear.Singer James Christian has been told by few to improve on his singing which was too flat in their early recordings. Now after 5 months of vocal training, James is now ready to show everyone what he has learned and improved on. Many say the pre-studio recordings are "very efficient and sounds a hell of a lot more better" then the early demos.Calm Of Chaos is now writing and preparing new tracks for their upcoming LP recording this fall at Conquistador Recording Studio in Lakewood, Ohio. Calm Of Chaos is also looking at many label opportunities through the studio which include,Century Media Records Metal Blade Records Black Market Activities Columbia Records Rust Records Rotten Records Innerstrength Records Candlelight Records Interscope Records City of Kings

calmong meaning

A state of randomness and disaray. When things are not going as they should it is a state of calmong.

Calmore meaning

A nice area situated near Southampton. It can be said in a cowboy accent, and your very lucky and privileged and posh to live there. I wish I lived there.

calmos meaning

(Noun) The opposite of Chaos- creating a calm atmosphere after a chaotic event.

Calmosityyy meaning

An xbox live gears of war player who is one of the first to have an all Adobe After Effects sniper montage on youtube, using effects never seen before in a Gears of War short. One of the most known players in the community, Calmosityyy will always be a name that people wont forget.

Calmquit meaning

1. Similar to a ragequit, when someone quits an online match in a fighting game or first-person shooter out of fury of losing, with the primary difference being in having a relatively relaxed disposition upon quitting. Calmquitting can be caused by things other than a lack of skill, such as a busy schedule or simple apathy. 2. A ragequit where the ragequitter was not audibly or visually angered to the point where you wonder if the online connection was simply disconnected.

Calm swag meaning

the act of being calm or the need to be calm. Usually directed towards people that have some sort of swagger or style

calm the dick down meaning

Another interesting way to tell someone to calm down.