meaning and definitionD2FG
mean? Here you find 2
meanings of D2FG
D2FG is a forum service hosted freely by Jcink forum boards that is a complete rip off of d2jsp.org. They try to copy everything on the site even though they cannot get their hands on the code.
D2FG is a Diablo 2 trading site dedicated to making game trading more safer. Scamming is made more difficult by adding the Trading Forums and Mediators before any D2 items are handed over. The use of Forum Gold is implemented into the site to make trading fun.
Day to go
Down To Get Down; thirsty; wanting to fuck
Death to Jews.
d2jsp is an embedded implementation of a JavaScript engine for executing user program code (scripts) inside Diablo II. d2jsp can be used to make Diablo II do almost anything that can be done in the game by a human player, and some things (such as knowing the immunities of monsters four screens away) that cannot. d2jsp does not attempt to exploit any bugs in Diablo II's programming, the Battle.net protocol, or the Battle.net servers.
The most elite korean killing organization of all time.
Short of Diablo 2 Legends. D2L is a spinoff of the larger, stronger, and more popular clan BHL. D2L was created when various BHL members were kicked or demoted from the clan due to inactivity or scamming their clan-mates.
D2M acroynym for Dead to Me, meaning your pissed/annoyed with someone so they no longer exist in your world, you shut them out.
It's a saying Michael Amato started. It means "Dead to Me".
Death Too Muff Rat A saying to dump your girlfriend if she has a big muff
Diablo II bot. Currently version 1.8.5.