D2M meaning and definition

D2M meaning

Acronym for any needed tense of "do too much." Too much can be done by a variety of means, including but not limited to drugs/alcohol, sex, or even something so simple as obnoxious singing.

D2M meaning

D2M acroynym for Dead to Me, meaning your pissed/annoyed with someone so they no longer exist in your world, you shut them out.

D2M meaning

d2m is a car club. Driven2modify. Located in Panama City Beach, FL

Read also:

d2me meaning

It's a saying Michael Amato started. It means "Dead to Me".

d2mr meaning

Death Too Muff Rat A saying to dump your girlfriend if she has a big muff

d2nt meaning

Diablo II bot. Currently version 1.8.5.

d2p meaning

down to party

d2pk meaning

A Diablo 2 Server run by some guy and was previously Owned/Raped/Smashed ect. by The Thermanator, Dane.

D2R meaning

short for Dance Dance Revolution, not a popular term for it on the west coast, its mostly a east coast deal.

D2S meaning

Acronym for "dick to suck"

D2T meaning

Down to tube: The purpose of wanting or still wanting to tube on the river.

D2TB meaning

Noun; abbr. for /Death to the Board/.1. The signal that a meeting has ended due to lack of members.2. A shortened version of a goodbye.

D2X-XL meaning

1. An OpenGL executable program developed by Diedel that allows one to play the classic DOS games Descent and Descent II on Windows XP. Is still under development, and is superior to the other modifications out there, such as D2X Rebirth in a sense that it offers current technology and such.