Dance Mafia meaning and definition

Dance Mafia meaning

A phrase coined by Professor M. George, a woman of many words of wisdom, aka Sensei George, aka The Boss, in reference to a group of approximately twelve dancers who always show up to dance related functions. See other definition for more details.

Dance Mafia meaning

A group of very close dancers, usually of the modern/ballet persuasion. They are so close because they are constantly in rehearsal and class together. Then, on the weekends they go out and party together. Also, they try to leave each other after rehearsal but they end up standing somewhere outside the studio to talk about the latest gossip. They usually have a bunch of inside jokes that are not actually funny to a normal person. Examples of this might be, "Nice yoga matt, ass hole." or "Oh, Shareen."

Read also:

dancemag meaning

To not follow instructions; to slayer; to have a weird working brain.

danceman meaning

Flaming fucking homotron

Dancemania meaning

A kick-ass record label (also called Toshiba-Emi) that supplies much of the music for Dance Dance Revolution

Dance Marathon meaning

There are hundreds of schools nation wide that participate in Dance Marathon. Dance Marathon is designed to help raise money for the Children's Miracle Network by having its participants dance for 26+ hours straight. While the purpose of the event is to raise money FTK, For The Kids, most of the time, the event serves as an excuse for fake ass facey Greeks to be excused from school, work, and exams for a little over 24 hours. 99.9% of DM participants will be seen hopping around drunk as fuck in a tutu and a frat tank, screaming FTK at the top of their lungs, when half of them don't even know what FTK stands for.

Dance Mercles meaning

The act of beating anyone at anything involving your feat or footwork of some kind.Often use to describe one's new shoes or footwear.Derived from the combination of "dance circles around you" and "you just got Merc'd"

dance metal meaning

Basicly use to describe stuff which is today being called industrial, such as Rammstein and KMFDM. I happen to like KMFDM, but I call it dance metal when people say it's industrial. (usually meant sarcasticly)

Dancemo meaning

A music style that blends emo and dance styles.

Dance Moms meaning

Overweight mothers that try to make their daughters live out their dream of being a dancer, since they failed at it. A very group of egotistical women who live off their rich husband, while they sit on their fat asses barking orders at their daughters. These types of people should be avoided at all cost usually can spot them in suburbans. Ironically their daughter will more than likely end up just like their mothers and do the same thing to their kids, basically a repeating cycle of failures.

dance moms fandom meaning

A Fan Domain ruled by the best of people sharing, fanfics, forums, edits, and just their love for the girls on Lifetimes Dance Moms!

dance moms miami meaning

A spin off of the show "Dance Moms" but they're wayyyyy better because the choreographers are actually people not 8000 pound whales