Dabob meaning and definition

Dabob meaning

pronounced "day-bob," a slang term used in the Pacific Northwest, mainly in the Puget Sound area and northern Oregon. Derived from Dabob Bay, Washington.1) Cool, exciting. 2) Ridiculous, incredible.Generally: used as adjective or adverb, Dabob is a term meaning "cool," "defamatory," "sexual," or any number of other things, depending on context and inflection.

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When someone yells at someone for dabbing but like they dab themselves

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a huge, breath-taking hit off a dab

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One who is the king of africa that is ruler of all (likes to be the leader)and also who is a tank, muscly popular person and doesnt take shit from no one

Da Boii meaning

A term to describe someone who is fucking awesome. There are really no words to describe them. You just know when you see them.

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like a badonkadonk, only with a nice rack.

da bois meaning

Usually a group of young scholars who intend to have a loose night on the beers. A meeting of "da bois" is often referred to in a 3 word title following the formula 'Beers, Bois, B******' ."da bois" can be found at your local pub or club on a regular basis, and are known to many other young males as 'da bois'.

da boiz meaning

The name used for a group of boiz, who hang around, get drunk and start fights. Tend to smoke cannabis.

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a disease spread through dabbing that causes yugioh cards to slide out of your anus

dabology meaning

The scientific study of dabbing.