dabor meaning and definition

dabor meaning

No one knows exactly what a 'dabor' is, but some speculate that it is a mythical creature (likened to bigfoot) that only appears by the light of the moon in Rowland Heights, CA.

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Daborkalar meaning

Crap, shit, rubbish ... ect.

Daboshed meaning

Enjoying a few alcoholic beverages until the point of pure innebriation.

da boss meaning

the boss is when you have pubes on the head of your penis

Dabosta meaning

a word used to express anger in something, or someone.

dabotan meaning

People who annoy you.

Da Bottom meaning

refering to a ethnic area whare drugs and or crime is common

Da Boul Lauffy meaning

simply mean one flyy ass mothaaf*****

da boul wit da grippaz meaning

a nickname for a person who you A. Don't remember there name B. Don't feel like sayin there name so you just say that

Dabous meaning

Another name for bots, a method of smoking hash :)

dab out meaning

When you reach the point of intoxication to the point that you lose control of sanity and logical cognition. "DAB" is an acronym standing for "Drunk-Ass Bitch"