danceable meaning and definition

danceable meaning

Adjective for audiophile products: completely indistinguishable from other products that are literally a million times cheaper. Absolutely absurd description used when the marketer saying it has run out of words to say.

danceable meaning

ok so it means like a song that might be lame or old but is very easy to move to, even if its sucky dancing

danceable meaning

A song that's easy and fun to dance to, or a band with a lot of such songs.

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dance-a-fuck meaning

That "thing" on the NES game "Uninvited" that pops up and dances across the screen at random times, scaring the living hell out of you every single time.

danceaholic meaning

person who loves to dance, randomly in front of big groups of people, unaware of their presence.

Dancearchy meaning

A political party with its ideals firmly rooted in the Funk. A movement of movement. Dancearchists call for government only in groove. The power of the bass beat will bring freedom, equality, and happiness to the public. For the Funk, the whole Funk, and nothing but the Funk. The revolution will be live.

dance around with a chicken voodoo meaning

1. Voodoo in which one dances around with a chicken, usu. dead.

dance babies meaning

the act of dance super sleasy in a bar. where if there was no clothing the woman would wind up pregnant.

dance back meaning

A phrase used following a put down (or similar instance) which challenges the second party to respond in kind. Taken from the world of competitive dance, but not limited to that passtime.

Dance Ballad meaning

There is only a few tunes that qualify for such status , not necessarily keeping to the traditional form of a ballad these tunes are in there owen right possibly greater than any ballad every composed.

Dancebeat meaning

(noun) expression used to describe when you experience a significantly increased heart beat while you practice dance because you are thinking of the LOUL. This dancebeat has zero relationship with the beat of the dance. You are dancing to the beat of the LOUL's beat.

dance belt meaning

modified jockstrap for male dancers to not show up through tights. It is usually thong backed and it keeps him safe

Dance block meaning

To dance so badly no one around you is willing to dance anymore.Similar to cock blocking