Eagle 16 Nam meaning and definition

Eagle 16 Nam meaning

Annoying and noobish

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eagle305 meaning

something that blows up when hit by a torpedo.

eagle ass meaning

Generally used as a compliment by young boys that don't think. But on further investigation, eagle ass could also be used as a sarcastic compliment or insult. Because really, Eagles don't have asses.

Eagle Beak meaning

Masterbation useing all four fingers and thumb over the tip of your erect penis. if ur a fatty with a small nob

Eaglebian meaning

Noun. One of the lowest forms of life. Down there with pedos, necros, zoophiles, gays and abos. Of course eaglebian ones are even worse than normal ones. They all are thieving scum. Eaglebians inhabit the suburb called Eagleby, a suburb where no one can afford a car, and the law is "1. If it's not nailed down, it's yours now. 2. If it's nailed down, free nails." Needless to say, it is no place to raise a family, and the education of anyone who graduated high school there does not even compete with preschoolers anywhere else. Thankfully, most inhabitants are sloths and never will get to any other area, and cannot afford a plane trip. They will pinch any penny and are all kleptomaniacs.

eagle bite meaning

Any injury sustained while working on an F-15 Eagle.

Eagle Boost meaning

When a really patriotic (USA) person takes steroids

Eagleboy meaning

A very ugly boy with the looks of an eagle. Such as, Wiry, huge beak, and just plain fugly all together. He normally has no friends, and the appearance that he can fly. Weird hair and small buggy eyes also go along with eagle boys.

Eaglebrook School meaning

Maximum security correctional facility for (wealthy) boys from all over the world. Located in the middle of NO WHERE (the sticks). Student body consists of 75% asian and 50% korean. 5% american, the rest, Mex.

eaglebtc meaning

One who possesses a strong digital defense.

Eagleburger meaning

An extremely elusive and attractive blonde girl that you don't know. Usually found on Facebook.