Earbilly meaning and definition

Earbilly meaning

Noun; pronounced (ir-bill-ee).That of or referencing the ear belonging to a billy. This can be in the past, present, or future tense.In most cases, this also reflects a very painful earache by a rather tall billy who works at a movie theatre.

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ear biter meaning

derogatory term for a severely mentally retarded person.Awindow licker.

Ear biting meaning

An act of foreplay that feels extremely good in a weird way

ear blasting meaning

extremely loud (music .shouting .. etc )

ear bleach meaning

Any song, album, or artist you run to when you need to flush out an annoying earworm. While this may leave you with another earworm, it's at least an earworm you can stand.

Earbleed meaning

Jacob Sartorius' cover of "All of Me" by John Legend.

Ear Bleeder meaning

A type of song, normally heavy metal. It is so good, it has to be played really loud.

ear bling meaning

To wear a diamond earing.Not an EARING..

Ear Bloople meaning

The squishy thing on the end of your ear buds.

Ear Blower meaning

A person who performs anal sex on a man. Also known as the pitcher. He is usually paired with a pillow biter.

earbola meaning

The act of bull entering the ear canal. If not frequently treated with rational thought, can lead to the mental disorder Liberalism.