eadmf meaning and definition

eadmf meaning

Acronym for Eat A Dick, Mother Fucker.

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eadn meaning

Eadn stands for EAT A DICK NIGGA

EADO meaning

East Downtown of Houston

Eadoh meaning

A true man; a sex god. Charms women by playing his saxophone shirtless. Loves music and is never afraid to sing along, beatbox, or air guitar to a song. He often insults his friends with strange nicknames such as Lamppost Toe, and in anger may threaten to punch a baby, but in all honesty he is one of the nicest people around.His name is rare, so you are lucky to know an Eadoh.

Eadon meaning

Eadons are Israeli men, whose parents mispelled their name, who are the epitome of awesome. Most Eadons struggle to cope with their sexiness, yet spend much of their time reaping the benefits of their innate majestic aura. The best definition, all the while appreciating the limits of the English language, is: Idans are the quintessential men.Note: Eadon may even be used as an adjective.

eadong meaning

to be extremely stupid, rude, and backish

EADU meaning

An acronym short for "eat a dick up."

e-advertiser meaning

Someone online who announces certain accomplishments or upcoming events in a public forum, such as MSN, Online games, Message boards... etc. In many instances they will just slip it in a sentence to make it subtle, when it fact it's a blatant e-advertisement. The advertising is usually sexual conquest, or just a big "to-do" list that no one else cares about but are forced to read.

Eadwine meaning

A term that is used to describe a mentally retarded prostitute which whom will fuck anything in his or her path

Eady meaning

An embarassing act, or to say something embarassing, or someone who oftens preforms embarassing acts.

eadyn meaning

A young beautiful girl. Most often redhead or raven haired. Funny, skinny, big-chested, and very beautiful. One of the most beautiful creatures on earth. Hense the name Eadyn pronounced ēden. Like the paradise garden. Most gorgeous.