eagle egg meaning and definition

eagle egg meaning

A egg of wondrous power said to give the person who drinks the inside (yolk) extraordinary power (not only physical strength) It was said that Achilles himself was fueled by nothing other than eagle eggs.

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eagle empire meaning

The master of all trolls, topics include all female body parts, pop culture bashing and aggressive drug stories that led up to anal rape, abortions and prison time.

Eagle Estates meaning

The ghetto part of Medford, many fights originating in Patmed Highschool end up here.Home to drug addicts, white trash, and other assorted dangerous people just waiting to pull a knife on you for scuffing their $450.00 Nikes that they sold cigs for, or simply stole them from a rich wigger.Avoid this territory, especially at night, and don't trust anyone from here until you are 100% sure they don't have a pistol in their pocket.

Eagle Eye meaning

1. The eye of an eagle 2. Having such great eyesight that you can see better than 20/20 this is a special ability given to chosen people3. An all around awesome person, generally a dude4. Someone who can be counted on and is helpful to a team

eagle eye cherry meaning

a one-hit wonder hip dude singer of 'save tonight', unfortunately eagle eye didn't 'save any money' and is now working in a checkers factory for petty cash. called eagle eye due to the fact he has glaucoma and its made his eyes shrink.

eagle fart meaning

The gaseous output of smelly substance from the end of the Elementary Canal aimed at a particular person or thing, usually for a revenge. The range greatly depends on the meals eaten and the scale of revenge the person wants to take. Usually does no physical harm, but often causes false odour and uneasiness in the surroundings.

Eagle Flight meaning

A sexual position in which Billy does all the work.

eagle formation meaning

When you're driving down any road (preferably a highway or other main route) with at least one (1) person riding shotty. The driver calls out "eagle formation" and both the driver and passenger riding shotty open their doors fully while the car is in motion.

eagle fuck meaning

and eagle fuck is when the president fucks something up.

Eagle Grab meaning

When you take your pointer, middle, and ring finger on both hands and insert in to a vagina, then pull them apart. Your hands should look like claws.

eagle hair meaning

Eagle hair is a term one uses when it is time to go to the hairdresser.