eagleye meaning and definition

eagleye meaning

eagleye is a user on the GameFAQs NFL Board who was exposed by Bugga. He was EXPOSED HARDCORE. Bugga let them all know about it on the NFL Board as well. It's been made a well known fact that eagleye is a virgin. A virgin in the truest sense of the world. Also known as: virgineye, shegirlcry, beagleye, cheatereye, illegaleye, needleye, lethaleye, girleye, feagleye, omegleye, buttheadeye.

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eaglin meaning

The act of or being a cock smoking cunt.

Eagling meaning

To sneakily dispose of ones drinks whilst drinking with friends.

Eago meaning

Definition 1: Someone who just Parrots what they hear without giving it their own thought. Named after the red bird in Disney's Aladdin.Definition 2: Someone who is a trader.

EAGP - Easy Answer Garbage Phenomena meaning

Easy Answer Garbage Phenomena, formally known as EAGP, is a disease that tends to occur in those that are religious. It is a simple case in which your answer for almost everything is less than immature.

eah meaning

Easy Access Hole, a hole in trousers or baggy shorts meaning someone would have easy access to their private area

Eaha meaning

An exicited "eee" noise that develops into a laugh.

eahh meaning

a word that can meannnn anything, it doesnt matter where you use it in life. its basically universal.

Eahhh meaning

what you exclaim when receiving a blowjob and the girl is deepthroating your cock.(pronounced like YEAH without the Y)

eahhhh meaning

The new way of saying duh

EAI meaning

Easy, available and intoxicated. A state of being that usually results in a questionable hook up.