Eanna meaning and definition

Eanna meaning

From the old Irish 'Eidhne' pronounced 'Ay-nah'. A term from the west of Ireland meaning one of unscrupulous intentions towards one fo the opposite sex. Its origins are not fully know as it deviates from its original irish meaning of 'little bird'.

Eanna meaning

term for emotional or emo girl. i.e. girls who cut themselves, where a lot of black.

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eanox meaning

A word used mainly on Xbox Live to tell somone that they are gullible.

eans meaning

Cocaine, blow, charley, snow. . . . etc.

eanum meaning

A female lover who secretly enjoys anal sex

eanx meaning

Eanx (pronounced aainks)Used Synonymously with good bye words such as peace, later, im outta here; Also can be used to express and reveal negative description in someone or something. And it can be used by it self as a response as well.

EAP meaning

Extended Arm Picture - The act of extending your arm to take a self/group picture to post on Myspace, Facebook, etc.

Eapen meaning

a dumb guy who doesn't know what he is doing!

EAPFPA meaning

The six kingdoms of classification (in taxonomy)

EAPM meaning

Effective Actions Per Minute. Just like APM , but redundancy percent doesn't count. Used in starcraft and warcraft 3 games.

EAPOS meaning

Eating A Pile Of Shit. Figuratively or literally, this is just an expression of disdain for a current situation, similar to "FML". This one of those types of Internet text Acronyms that should be on here (i.e. OMW or the ever annoying, K).

Eappiethaphreeckaphobia meaning

The fear of having an erection during yoga