Earal meaning and definition

Earal meaning

The type of sex when the man sticks his penis in the ladies ear.

Earal meaning

Background information is as fallows - You may stick your penis in the girls ear OR ear guage. I reccomend atleast a one inch guage. Unless you are a needle dick and can fit your small penis into an 8 guage.

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earape meaning

When some pig fucker edits a video to be distorted and really fuckin loud in an attempt to make you fuckin deaf

earation meaning

something nasty that comes out of a mouth nose or eye

EARB meaning

Extremely Apparent Reason Boner In the same family as ARB, and the opposite of NARB

Earbaby meaning

1. A child that is born out of the result of intercourse with a womans ear canal. 2. Earwax

Earbacker meaning

when a really soft white puppy puts its ears back

ear-bacon meaning

Ear-bacon-Noun: sonically pleasing yet psychologically damaging sound

Ear Badgers meaning

Metaphorical miniature badgers that curl up inside your ear canal, their furry coats preventing you from hearing properly. They act as a kind of reverse Babelfish and will sometimes completely mistranslate what you are meant to have heard.

Ear Bag meaning

A variation on the "tea bag"; a sexual undertaking in which the male dips his testicles into the woman's ear. The woman is usually in a prostrated or subordinate position for the expanse of the process.Sometimes, a female may perform the actual bagging if they use a strap on scrotum, or get one of those testicle thingies that rednecks hang from their pick-up trucks.

earbalin meaning

to give something a good listen

Ear Balling meaning

Similar to “eye balling” something as a visual estimate, ear balling is used when trying to achieve a rough estimate of a sound. Although the word sounds dirty, it typically is not; unless you can somehow manage to stuff your nads into a woman’s ear.