EARB meaning and definition

EARB meaning

Extremely Apparent Reason Boner In the same family as ARB, and the opposite of NARB

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Earbaby meaning

1. A child that is born out of the result of intercourse with a womans ear canal. 2. Earwax

Earbacker meaning

when a really soft white puppy puts its ears back

ear-bacon meaning

Ear-bacon-Noun: sonically pleasing yet psychologically damaging sound

Ear Badgers meaning

Metaphorical miniature badgers that curl up inside your ear canal, their furry coats preventing you from hearing properly. They act as a kind of reverse Babelfish and will sometimes completely mistranslate what you are meant to have heard.

Ear Bag meaning

A variation on the "tea bag"; a sexual undertaking in which the male dips his testicles into the woman's ear. The woman is usually in a prostrated or subordinate position for the expanse of the process.Sometimes, a female may perform the actual bagging if they use a strap on scrotum, or get one of those testicle thingies that rednecks hang from their pick-up trucks.

earbalin meaning

to give something a good listen

Ear Balling meaning

Similar to “eye balling” something as a visual estimate, ear balling is used when trying to achieve a rough estimate of a sound. Although the word sounds dirty, it typically is not; unless you can somehow manage to stuff your nads into a woman’s ear.

Earballs meaning

Verb; to listen with a critical or objective ear. One would "earball" a great music remix or other piece of audio in the same way as one might "eyeball" a hot chick. Note that this differs from the two-word definition "ear ball" elsewhere on Urban Dictionary, which refers to the inner workings of the human ear.

earbanging meaning

When your partner pokes or simulates cleaning out your ears while making out with the intention of causing arousal.

Ear Bangs meaning

The shorter hairs in front of the ears that don't get pulled back into a ponytail, but instead are tucked behind the ears. Often, these hairs do not grow longer than a few inches and remain ear bangs throughout a person's life.