Eargasam meaning and definition

Eargasam meaning

A common spelling error among people trying to write "eargasm", because they are so blown away by the awesome music they are listening to, which gave them an eargasm, causing these spelling errors.Is not related to a physical orgasm.

Eargasam meaning

whenever you hear a song so good, you just HAVE to eargasam. not related to sex. sort of like when you listen to a song you really like and it gives you butterflies, THATS an eargasam.

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eargasim meaning

when someones voice turns you on

eargasium meaning

Eargasium. The emotional high exibited when music lovers are in total emotional involvement with the sonics of a musical performance. See audiophile. Usually it is a numbing sensation, followed by hair standing on end, a tingling sensation from toes to head, shortness of breath and a general rush of adrenalin. Can be hazardous to your health.

eargasm meaning

1. noun. The sensation one gets while hearing a dramatic climax in music. 2. noun. The climax of musical excitement. 3. verb. To have an eargasm.

eargasmatic meaning

orgasmic for your ears. a sound so amazing it is orgasm inducing.

eargasmic meaning

Music that is so unbelievably amazing to listen to.

Eargasmical meaning

When a sound (typically a song or speech) is so perfect it overwhelms you with a feeling of strong bliss and pleasure, much like an orgasm... except in your ear.

Ear gauge meaning

Those massive holes in peoples' ear lobes after getting them stretched to the size of their fist practically. They're pretty gross but some people think they're cool...although I think they're mentally ill.

Ear gauging meaning

Stupid ring things that expand the ear lobes in an attempt to make someone look badass, but in reality, fail miserably only to look like a douchebag.

eargay meaning

A sound or music that is pleasant to listen to

Eargazm meaning

A state of ultimate pleasure given to your dog by rubbing the inside of his/her ears. Build-up includes eyes slightly closed, heavy breathing, and finally uncontrollable kicking of one more more rear leg.