earitability meaning and definition

earitability meaning

Partial or non-listening where the hearing of wordaggage within overpowers the reception of sound waves from the outside world due to mental agitation. Planetary earitability causes a cross linking of deaf ears, a human barrier, which ignores the cry of both humans and ecosystems thereby increasing global problems and giving rise to further complaint.

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earjack meaning

The act of stealing expensive earrings off of a person usually achieved quickest by slicing the entire ear off and driving down the sidewalk in a motorcycle to get away.

earjacking meaning

Talking someone's ear off. Rambling on while not getting to the point (jaw-jabbin). Trying to engage someone in a long-winded conversation who is obviously trying to get to the point and get on with thier day. Also known as being held as a "conversation hostage".

earjackulate meaning

To stick a Miley Cyrus tooth tunes toothbrush so far into the ear, you experience an orgasmic effect.

Earjaculate meaning

Just like ejaculation but in the ear. Mainly while listening to amazing music.

Earjaculation meaning

When you listen to new music and you instantly feel that orgasmic feeling come over your body and all is right in the world.

ear jam meaning

the waxy residue (and other gook) in your ears

ear-jamming meaning

When background music is added to a TV show or movie for dramatic effect, but it ends up drowning out the dialogue to the point at which a viewer can't even hear what people are saying. It is a stylistic choice based on the assumption that most viewers are primitive creatures whose attentions will more likely to be captivated by primitive noise than by words.Although "ear-jamming" occurs in all types of auditory media (radio, TV shows, and movies), it most commonly occurs in documentary-style TV shows and movies.It usually leads to a situation where viewers are constantly modulating the volume of their TVs as they watch a program in order to either: (1) mitigate the assaultive music or turning the volume down (2) or to hear the now-relatively-quieter underlying dialogue turning the volume up.When the background music comes on especially suddenly, it is also know as a "music assault".

Ear Jizz meaning

Ear jizz is the dried or leftover shampoo, soap, or conditioner one forgets to wipe off the ears after a shower resulting in what looks like jizz or Ben Affleck in something about Mary.

ear jizzola meaning

arab television

ear job meaning

Form of sexual intercourse in which the male inserts his erect penis into the lover's ear causing stimulation and pleasure. What many don't know, is that the phrase "fucked her brains out" derived from this activity. Not to be confused with a nose job, an ear job allows the male to assert his dominance to the female in a newer, more fucked up way.