Earl Gray meaning and definition

Earl Gray meaning

To teabag, but with great dignity

Read also:

earl grey meaning

When a senior (or any man with grey pubic hair) gives another person a teabag.

earlham meaning

Earlham College is a Quaker school in Richmond, Indiana. It is one of the top 100 liberal arts colleges in the nation. It boasts a large hippie/liberal population.

Earlham College meaning

1. A small college located in Richmond, Indiana. 2. A place where no one is capable of judging another (chances are, you're as screwed up as the next person).

earlhamite meaning

One who attends Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana.

earl hickey meaning

Earl Hickey is the main character in the Tv Show "My Name is Earl"

Earl Hickey Moment meaning

Reference to the NBC show "My Name is Earl "The main character Earl Hickey has a habit of blinking in all photos. He appears in every photo with his eyes closed.When A person Blinks as a photo is being taken / has their eyes closed in a photo - this is an Earl Hickey Moment.

earlicker meaning

Incestious offspring who has deformities for the very same reason.

ear licking meaning

The act of licking someone's ear.

earlier meaning

Means hello ,the opposite of the word 'later' (duh)

Earlify meaning

To make something happen earlier than originally scheduled. The opposite of "delay", "postpone", etc.