meaning and definitionF5
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meanings of F5
to look at something obsessively and repeatedly in order to see if its status as changed, or to check constantly on something to try to make its status change. from the practice of hitting the F5 key repeatedly to refresh a messageboard thread while waiting for somebody to post.
Explosive diarrhea blast.
Commonly accepted as the strongest tornado possible. According to Thomas Schlatter, the Fujita scale goes all the way up to F-12, which is winds the speed of sound. The article was actually written in Fune 1986 and was cited in the Jan/Feb 98 issue of the same periodical. Since before the original article was written in 1986, there has never been a documented tornado of F-6 or above, and the author states it's not likely to happen. James R. McDonald includes a table of Fujita levels and wind speeds. F-6 and above is labled as "inconcievable damage". Wind speed are as follows (in miles per hour): F-6 319-379 F-7 380-445 F-8 446-513 F-9 514-585 F-10 586-659 F-11 660-735 F-12 736 and above note: The speed of sound at -3ºC is 736 miles per hour.
A sexual act involving spinning around destructively while ejaculating. When having sex at a girlfriend's place, one pulls out of her right before climaxing. One then proceeds to outstretch their arms and spin around violently and erratically in circles, smashing into things and knocking them over while simultaneously ejaculating all over.
v. 1 To refresh yourself, like if you've been daydreaming during a meeting. v. 2 To wake up. Origin comes comes from the use of F5 as a "Refresh" key for MS Windows applications.
A slang term for the Refresh button on a web browser. Almost, if not every web browser ever produced has made F5 as the hotkey for "refresh".
An F5 is the category assigned to the most powerful of tornadoes. The "F" refers to "Fujita," Because it's the Fujita scale that's used to measure how violent tornadoes can get. Ratings range from F1 to F5. F1 means a rather weak twister, about 70 to 90 m.p.h., and an F5 is the mother of all dust devils. While F2s, F3s and F4s are also really dangerous (F4s are almost as destructive), they are popcorn farts compared to F5s. If there's an F5 in your vicinity, A) squat down B) place your head firmly between your legs C) kiss your ass goodbye.
A tradition on the Roblox forums. As the forums have pathetic software, you can easily do this trick. You go to your/someones topic and hold F5, to make the post get alot of views. This is a form of trolling as popular posts get a star as an icon, which annoys other users on the forum.
One of the most hardcore group of people you'll ever meet they go about lollypoped out their nuts whilst raving to a scatman remix. Sometimes they'll be seen standing around ATMs screeming about £25 or sitting around fires chanting about thirds. You'd be counted lucky if you where to see them in their natural habitat frolicking in onsies whilst whispering yeah man over and over. There motto is fishy 5 eyes for life. Jim beam is there drink of choice whilst they normally survive off of haribos and refreshers. Their hair style of choice would most likely be short backy and skins whilst they support the extra dried jumpers and cheetah velvet shoes. No one has ever came in contact with them and left the same person they where when they met them. Be cautious about talking about tadgers when they're neer as that it's a touchy subject for them. Be warned they are not to be messed with...
Force five fuck stick
The act of repeatedly pressing the f5 key to reload a web page in anticipation of an update. Most commonly associated with social aggregate sites like 4chan and Reddit.
A person who constantly refreshes their email inbox just in case someone has emailed them in the last 2 seconds
To refresh somebody about something.
A F5 moment is computer gamer talk for a Kodak moment, a moment when a picture explains what the hell just happened better than any words could.F5 is the key used to take a picture in some Steam games.
People who nag constantly about the same issue, as if refreshing their questioneering forum entry ad infinitum.
the act of pressing the f5 key on your computer so the page refreshes
After poking a rather fishy flavored panty-hamster from behind for a few hours, you pull out. only to release a life altering current of humid fish vapors flowing thoughout the residence coating everything in sight. if there is any warning. you should try to get to the basement!