FAAARK meaning and definition

FAAARK meaning

Simliar to fack, another way of saying 'fuck'. Very Australianised, often used in exasperation.

FAAARK meaning

Australian colloquial term for 'fuck'. Based on the sound of the Australian Raven. The Australian Raven has a distinctive call that sounds like 'Faaark!' A famous Australian variety show host, Graham Kennedy, got in some trouble back in the seventies when he cried "Faaark!" on live television.

Read also:

FAAB meaning

An acronym for female assigned at birth. A politically correct way to refer to transsexual, transgendered, genderqueer, bigendered or intersexed people who were raised as girls.

faack meaning

the misinterpretation of fuck. usually yelled at someone.

faad meaning


faa daa meaning

It really means Fuck That. Should be said quickly.

faadu meaning

which blow out your ass.

FAAF meaning

Fucking Awesome As Fuck

Faafaaluufaa meaning

Pejorative term for Samoans. Also known as Oomphoompha

fa’afafine meaning

Samoan in origin. Word used to describe male child who is raised as a female (usually because of a shortage of females in the household)

faafetai meaning

Faafetai is a word from a native language, Samoa. It means 'thank you' in Samoan.

Faaff meaning

When said quickly, an inoffensive way to advise someone to 'Fuck Off'. Best used discretely so that only people close to you can hear it, and not the intended victim. Even funnier when the intended victim THINKS they can hear it, but can't be sure, so they take no action. However, if victim is being a complete tosser, best to shout it as loud as possible in order to deliver as much offence as possible. Number of 'a' letters contained in word is directly proportional to how much you want the individual to fuck off.