FABruary meaning and definition

FABruary meaning

A month where fabulous things happen! Previously known as the month February, but after a series of polls to try and pep up a pretty sad month of the year due to long winters (in those countries that have winters this time of year of course) February is now called FABruary! See example for clear usage.

FABruary meaning

When someone dresses fabulously throughout or anytime during the month of February.

Read also:

Fabrucked meaning

The act of being inebriated beyond fucked up.

fabryce meaning

A person whom is loyal. She is fun to be around. She is beautiful. She can make up as a good wife one day. She loves cooking and dancing, shes a tomboy. But don't let her niceness fool you this bish can be crazy!

fabrycki meaning

a guy who can't get anything right ever especially when it comes to talking to carly

Fabsfe meaning

Acronym standing for "Flatulence Accompanied By Spontaneous Fecal Emission." Also known as flotching.

Fabsha meaning

Best friends Fabio and Mischa who are two high class bitches from the Seattle area. They have been best friends since 5 or 6 years old. Popular in person as well as myspace. Notorious for being party girls; socialites

Fabsolute meaning

Combinded & condensed version of "Absolutely Fabulous"

fabsolutely meaning

fucking absolutely also fabulous and absolutely. Used to describe emphatic acceptance in a positive situation.

fabsomania meaning

Something similar to dipsomania, but in context with FACEBOOK, where people are so addicted to FACEBOOK that the get intermittent bouts of craving for Facebook status update...

fabsome meaning

something fabulous and awesome

fabsomely meaning

fabulous mixed with awsomely