Fabufuckingtastic meaning and definition

Fabufuckingtastic meaning

Adjective. Cross between Fabulous, Fuck, and Fantastic. Can be used to describe something as amazing, extraordinary, unbelievable, incredible, so-so, horrible etc. (all depends on the context). It is a word that can be used in both a positive and a negative way, or used to describe something that is in-between.

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FabuGay meaning

These are gays that are so fabulous, rich, and, well, gay, that they make regular gays look straight by contrast.

fabuglamoricious meaning

The words fabulous, glamorous, and delicious included in one word meaning awesome or great.

fabugly meaning

A.) Fat;Black; and Ugly B.)Fat; Black; and Uglier

fabuish meaning

kind of fabu (fabulous)

fabuk meaning

rotten banana that causes riot.

Fabuki meaning

The absolute best. Pinnacle of achievement.(adj)

fabukus meaning

adj. fah-bew-kus. totaly fabulous, but so fabulous that it renders the person witnessing it unable to correctly spell and/or pronounce the word 'fabulous'

Fabulabulicious meaning

The adjective that is somewhat a synonym to the word fabulous but is ∞ times greater!

fabulance meaning

Noun: Basically just a pink ambulance, used in every city to aid rich women who have broken something, can be anything, even a phone.

fabulantastic meaning

Fabulantastic N. fab.u.lant.astic Property of Diane's word. It means fabulous in more cooler way. Warning: no parents should use this word..cush it's weerd for them.