Facadebooking meaning and definition

Facadebooking meaning

The art of pretending to work hard while actually using facebook or other similar site, e.g. by browsing pictures very fast or by writing nonsense in the search field in a very loud way every once in a while.

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facade immunity meaning

Not susceptible to believing that another person's online posts, comments, photos or videos actually represent his or her true life.

facadomized meaning

The state of a house that has been aesthetically mangled during a cheap renovation. Usually involves the loss of much original detail and the use of inappropriately small windows.

facadomy meaning

(fasa-do-me) During intercourse, when the male purposefully attempts to penetrate the female anus without her knowing or consent. The result usually ends up with the female "directing" the male back to the female's vagina.

facadual meaning

Of or pertaining to a facade or the nature of facade.

Facaf meaning

This is the informal way of saying the words "Fuck Off" It can be used in pretty much any situation. Also you spell it the same backwards.

fa cai meaning

A person who is generally, but not limited to, a faggit, a douchebag, or in very simplistic language, a shady mofo.

FACAK meaning

Something too messed to have a definition and makes no sense...WHAT THE FACK DOES THIS THING MEAN

facal meaning

Someone who is original in the sense taht they come up with their own ideas and and therefore are really cool!

Facanked meaning

(fuh-cank-d) adjective really really...really fucked up...I mean really fucked up, for real

facarchitecture meaning

architecture of a facade