Faceballer meaning and definition

Faceballer meaning

Faceballer: When a football fan, also a Facebook user, makes minute by minute posts or commentaries on Super Bowl Sunday. From commercials to touchdowns, users provide a play by play sound bite for other users. Some smack talk is to be expected when a faceballer is logged on to Facebook. A superfaceballer is one who does this on Super Bowl Sunday.

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Faceballing meaning

Also known as ballsmacking. This is where a guy, or several guys whip out their floppy ballsacks and teabag someone, and smack them in the face with their balls.

face balls meaning

The word used to describe a popular new form of aquatic sport in which participants throw giant exercise balls at one another in an attempt to hit each other in the face.

Facebang meaning

The act of performing cunnilingus. Like fingerbanging, but with the face. Bonus points for girl on girl.

Facebanged meaning

When Someone pokes you on Facebook enough times that they possibly reached some weird Orgasm, Or euphoric state by jabbing their dirty minded greasy fingers into your cyber hot box!

Facebanging meaning

The act of exchanging sexual messages via facebook chat. Basically, sexting on facebook.

facebanked meaning

Getting aquired by facebook

facebanking meaning

A campaign tactic, similar to phonebanking, which involves logging onto facebook chat and asking friends to vote for a candidate. It is used most prominently in student government elections at the post-secondary level.

Facebapathy meaning

noun - when you start typing a reply to a comment or post in Facebook and before even finishing the first/only sentence you realize you really don’t care about whatever meme or cat picture you were responding to so you erase everything you’ve written and move on.

Facebarcissism meaning

(Noun) The act or habit of liking your own Facebook status.

facebarf meaning

(noun)1. an act or instance of disgorging entire conversations about facebook(verb)2. to spew facebook related topics excessively from your mouth until the point of annoyance