meaning and definitionF3
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meanings of F3
From the MMORPG Maplestory, max level character enialb's (Blaine) method of addressing those who address him, without regard to the context of the encounter.
The answer to all questions.
The answer to all questions. (no reference to Maple Story) or when referring to the best in the universe.
Comes from an MMORPG named MapleStory, where the F3 key would change your character's face to show a troubled look. Players use it for more of a sarcastic jesture and when they are not ingame, they would would simpyl type "f3" at the end of a sentance to indicate sarcasm.
F3 is originated from a 2D Online game called Maple Story. In game players would press the F3 button to change the face of their character to a sarcastic face. The face can be used to annoy players after they did or say something stupid. Some players choose to use the term "F3" outside of game such as in everyday speech or Messenger.
Engineering slang for "oh snap" also shortcut key in AutoCAD for the function OSNAP
the third function key. not as cool as f12....precisely 1/4 as cool...
Frequently used in MSN conversations in England, f31 has been used colloquially since the early 2000s. When said aloud, f31 sounds like everyone - and that's exactly what it is.
lol you forgot that it can also be used as 'fjeer'
you suck so much at counter-strike that u STINK
Fast like a nascar.
A real mans truck. A big piece of equipment. An entity that can handle any load and carry any person in a much more utilitarian fashion than anything else and still convey an aura of normalcy in its existence.
That tiny Mexican guy who runs around the blocktopia servers stealing all of boredchicka's cheese.
(Phehg) a F36 is one who plays halo, but is actually just one of those racist, sexist, people who no one likes and can sometimes be considered the "Bryan" of the group. (reference to a Dane Cook comedy sketch)
Version of the F4U Corsair built by Brewster aviation. Never did quite reach the performance of the original.
F3cking, or fecking, Is a 1337 word, used to replace the common profanity, fucking. Most often used as an emphasis on self praise: