F4Fun meaning and definition

F4Fun meaning

Fuck For Fun, usually practiced by Fuck Buddies

Read also:

f4g meaning

common internet slang for "faggot"

F4g0r meaning

Used by interne geeks to say "Faggot"

f4g1t meaning

the combination of "for real" and "legit" spelled in n00b ...the english version is ..."fagit" (long a sound)

f4g3t meaning

l33t version of faggot

f4gg07 meaning

Term for "faggot" but with fun little numbers!

F4hy meaning

N. Depressed nerd who hates other people.

f4 illustrator meaning

gun that killed the dinasours; can go through a stampede of elephants with ease; more powerfull than anything; made of a special aloy; burly; not intended for actual usage.

F4L meaning

Filipino/Filipina for Life!!Add F4L on your page!!