Faap meaning and definition

Faap meaning

slang for the word masturbation. ( sound effect of when someone masturbates )

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faa paa meaning

comes from norwegian slang, fåpå. (aa = å) Means "get it on". mostly used by stoners or similar.

faaraz meaning

A faaraz is a name for a person of middle eastern origin. Most faaraz are blend in immigrants who act like gangsters or white boys. In secret all faaraz work for ISIS as terrorists.

faardvark meaning

Slang derogative term for homosexual.

faaria meaning

An extremely unique name usually a female. This name usually is given to those who contain a enchanting magic. They are smart, charming, and very attractive. Faaria is to be feared, adored, and worshiped all at once. Faaria has tendencies to strive for power, and desires to be independent and controlling of themselves.

Faaris meaning

The type of guy that you can imagine on a team sports team. he's fairly talented in athletics and is a good all-around guy. He dosen't try very hard in anything except for his passions, and once his engine gets started, there's no stopping him. He can be a dick sometimes, but he is a fun guy, and he's usually your friend.

Faarken Reeetard meaning

Self-admonishment for a temporary inability to overcome a much inferior opponent due to short-term brain fade.May be used as a form of motivation in semi-professional sporting circles where code violations and other forms of penalty are less likely to be enforced.

faaron meaning

Satan. Hes straight up satan in every way. He always likes to play MMOs and beat things up. Hes probably the nicest person you'll ever meet though.

faart meaning

onamanapea for describing the sound of flatulence (a fart), only referring to one that lasts longer than usual. The effect can be further dramaticized by adding more 'A's to the word. eg faaaaaaaaaaart

Faaselavei meaning

A beautiful island woman. She is intelligent with a crazy sense of humor. Joyful and a wonderful friend. Vei will rock your world!

Fa-asian meaning

This is an asian that was born in asia, but was then adopted by americans. When seeing a fa-asian you first see that they're asian.Stereotypes that come to mind1. Straight A's 2. Uber smart 3. Obsessed with gamingThe truth1. Super athletic and involved 2. An average student 3. Really hot girlsStereotypes that mix with truth1. Small penises 2. Amazing at break dancing 3. Love techno and trance 4. Short (generally, some are average)