FABOR meaning and definition

FABOR meaning

It's an acronym, which stand for "fuck a box of rocks." It's something you say to those who are holier-than-thou and never, ever wrong - and also have time on their hands to criticize anything that inconveniences them.

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faborexic meaning

the delusion that you think you look better than you actually do.

faborgasmical meaning

a combination of the words fabulous, orgasmic, and radical. used to describe something that is utterly, too amazing for words.

Fabortion meaning

A Failed Abortion.

fabosh meaning

basically saying fuck you or screw that shit. u could say faboshè to make it sound cool.

fabosity meaning

Something that is wonderful, fabulous, cool beyond belief.

fabotage meaning

A blend of the words 'Facebook' and 'sabotage'. Fabotage is an alternative to 'frape' (using someone else's Facebook profile without their knowledge and posting content or changing information, often with humorous intent) that is more fun to say and doesn't trivialise rape.

fabo-tastic meaning

adj. a word that only extremely cool people to tell people that they are fabulous and fantastic all in one word. 2. a word that was invented by Ksomp

FABOTS meaning

F.A.B.O.T.S. Fuck A Bunch Of That Shit!!!

fabou meaning

Telling a lie that is unbelievable

Fabouche meaning

A fabulous douchebag or something fabulously douche-like.