FABOVD meaning and definition

FABOVD meaning

FABOVD means Fuck a bunch of Valentine's Day. Alternate use, usually used on Valentine's Day at a single V-D party, is Fuck a Bunch of Venereal Diseases.

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faboverse meaning

noun - contraction of "facebook universe" the world of facebook; referring to both the broader world, consisting of everyone and everything on facebook, and the individual faboverse, restricted to fb friends over which the individual has control.

FABOWD meaning

Acronym: Future Anarchists Bent On World Domination, Used to describe an anti-governmental individual who wants to take over the world.

fabozzi meaning

nips that are so hard they could cut glass...

Fabquatious meaning

The action of doing a great deed

fabrageous meaning

fabulously outrageous!pronounced: "fab-rageous" for extra emphasisOR "fabrageous" for general usage

Fabranger meaning

A portmanteau of the names 'Fabray' and 'Granger'.Referring to the romantic relationship between one Quinn Fabray (blonde ex-ex-cheerleader from the hugely popular television series Glee) and Hermione Granger (the smartest witch of her age from the Harry Potter book/film series). Characters from two separate fictional universes brought together through fan-fiction, gifs, manips etc.

fabrangle meaning

the definition of fabrangle is to leave

Fabrash meaning

The word is used as a slang compliment meaning: awesome, nice, good job or good work.

fabratory meaning

Fabrication Laboratory

Fabre meaning

When someone meows constantly while having sex or the name of the watermelon being constantly carried around with a smiley face.