Fabranger meaning and definition

Fabranger meaning

A portmanteau of the names 'Fabray' and 'Granger'.Referring to the romantic relationship between one Quinn Fabray (blonde ex-ex-cheerleader from the hugely popular television series Glee) and Hermione Granger (the smartest witch of her age from the Harry Potter book/film series). Characters from two separate fictional universes brought together through fan-fiction, gifs, manips etc.

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fabrangle meaning

the definition of fabrangle is to leave

Fabrash meaning

The word is used as a slang compliment meaning: awesome, nice, good job or good work.

fabratory meaning

Fabrication Laboratory

Fabre meaning

When someone meows constantly while having sex or the name of the watermelon being constantly carried around with a smiley face.

fabrection meaning

The fabric-erection. It's the way the zipper of a pair of pants sticks up, making one look like they have a hard one when sitting down.

Fa-bree-o meaning

a scencester resembling in appearance to the modeling sensation Fabio;

fabreesh meaning

(V) When your singing along with a song and you come in too early.

fabreeze meaning

chilling around the beach or pool.

Fabreezed meaning

As if you've farted as light as air, like a fabreeze spray. So gently waft.

Fabreeze Fairy meaning

A person who busts out the Fabreeze to freshen up a rank-smelling room / apartment / office to make it habitable again.