fabrigay meaning and definition

fabrigay meaning

Someone who acts gay (or gayer) for some specific purpose. Commonly done to get attention, special treatment, or (in the case of straight men) access to woman-dominated locations and activities. Shortened form of fabrigay egg.See also: flambot, flambiguous, fauxmosexual

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fabrikate meaning

A verb used for describing ones work which is falsely riteous, fabrikating or the fabrikation of something can be shown by stamping a 3 letter acronym on a piece of steel and claiming rights to this certain object for the resale under a new business or different market at twice the price and half as fast.

Fabrilexical meaning

The ability to create your own words as you see fit. From "fabri" to fabricate, and "Lexical" of or pertaining to the words or vocabulary of a language.

Fabrini meaning

A very macho teacher of English.

Fàbriqué meaning

A floridian, who believes he is a Kitty... and is not. -.-

fabrique au chine meaning

(pron. /fa'bri:k oʊ shi:n/) Literally, "made in China" in French. Used as a humourous euphemism for cheap, imported goods of questionable quality.

Fabris meaning

An extremly competitive evil person who takes pleasure in watching people fail and suffer.

Fabrischendo meaning

derived from the words "fabulous" and creschendo, fabrischendo are those things that you see in front of houses that you are capable of walking on. it means, faulous risers. they are usually made of bricks.

fabrish meaning

To create, make, fabricate, etc...

Fabritising meaning

false or fabricated advertising

Fabritizing meaning

Fake and Fabricated Advertising. Willful, calculated, deceitful and purposeful advertising that is either an outright lie or a blatant misprepresentation of the facts, meant to manipulate, impede, sway, convince or otherwise misinform the public at large.Politicians do this habitually, especially during times of election. Large corporations, such as pharmaceuticals and oil companies, do this as well, when public opinion turns against them.