Fabulevs meaning and definition

Fabulevs meaning

Someone/thing that is more fabulous than fabulous. Someone/thing that is so fabulous that even Elton John can't be more fabulous. When someone is fabulevs the sun doesn't shine as bright as them.

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fabulias meaning

Describes a person a who is so dedicated to their guitar, music and probably glasses, that they would sooner be castrated than give them up.

Fabulicious meaning

A combination of fabulous and delicious. It's just another word that means awesome.

Fabulicious foto meaning

Any photographic work that would be considered a cheap immitation.Like cheap Chinese electronics, Fabulicious Fotos also smell like fish sauce.

fabuliciously meaning

1. when someone does something with great taste(referring to clothing or food)2. doing something in a flirty girly sort of way(usually to impress boys)3. doing something grandly or in a snotty popular girl attitude4. with flamboiant attitude

fabulii meaning

The plural tense of fabulous. When something is REALLY fabulous, one might refer to it as fabulii to give emphasis to the fabulousness of it.

fabulique meaning

Amazingly fabulously awesome.

fabulise meaning

To make more fabulous, normally through the insertion of champagne, glitter and glamour in pretty much any manifestation.

Fabulish meaning

Something that is fabulous that also has the feeling of deliciousness.

fabulishamazfantasmicorigal meaning

A word used to describe something cool. Formed by stringing the words: fabulous, delicious, amazing, fantastic, and origional. Pronounced: fab -you -lish -ah -maze -fan -tas -mis -or -ic -cul.

fabulishous meaning

what the extremely feminine son of larry valentine (i now pronounce you chuck and larry) says. this is by far the best word i've ever heard in my life.