face battle meaning and definition

face battle meaning

Same as kissing, but sounds cooler.

face battle meaning

What we should use instead of kiss

face battle meaning

the act of attacking another's face intimately. No one ever wins, so it always calls for a rematch.

face battle meaning

A cooler version of the word "kiss".

face battle meaning

To kiss or make out

face battle meaning

The act of hijacking someone's Facebook profile update to argue over a point or political statement made in aforementioned update.

Read also:

facebaulk meaning

To decide not to comment on or like someone's post because you've been 'liking' a lot of their posts lately and you don't want to look like a stalker.

Facebawarkward meaning

Once you accept a friend on facebook, then then next time you see them, either of you do not mention it.

facebawking meaning

facebook stalking someone

Facebbatical meaning

When you take time out from Facbeook because you realise its ruining your life. A Facebook Sabbatical.

Facebcrastination meaning

Facebcrastination is the fine art of using Facebook to procrastinate.

Facebeat meaning

The act of masturbating to profile pictures, photo albums, and the like on Facebook.

Face Beaten in by Sadness meaning

The state of a female after she realises men are foul, sexfiends that want nothing more than their lower extremeties. Usually occuring between the ages of 18 to 26.

FaceBed meaning

Where are so tired you're face hits the bed and you are asleep

FaceBedding meaning

Not allowing yourself to sign off and go to bed until your chat box is empty of all contacts.

facebeef meaning

When two or more people have a mindless heated argument on Facebook, whether it's through comments on profile pictures, profile walls, etc.