face boner meaning and definition

face boner meaning

1. A case of classic cheesin in which you cannot wipe the smile from your face. A face boner is usually due to happiness in a relationship but it may be used in other instances as well. *It is possible to experience a face boner and a real boner simultaneously.

face boner meaning

Term used when getting aroused by someone's FaceBook profile pictures.

face boner meaning

Something that really sucks, or is really depressing

Read also:

facebones meaning

the act of sending pictures of your naked body via facebook message.

Face Boning meaning

When someone constantly checks their facebook profile as well as their friends profiles, looking for any conversations involving themselves. This person often has no love life and lives vicariously through other people on facebook.

Facebonk meaning

A term for oral sex that is generally more acceptable in polite conversation than skull fucking Derived from a typo of facebook

Facebonkers meaning

Someone who is constantly going crazy on Facebook... By crazy I mean... commenting on every single photo, writing on everyone's wall, groups, invites, etc. etc.

Facebonking meaning

Sexual encounters via facebook. Esp. if on a regular basis between the same people. This is done through private messages, facebook chat, or wall posts.

faceboo meaning

Yo, you know those friends on Facebook, friends of friends, people you don't know, but they always be likin yo posts, sending Happy Birthday or commenting on yo club pics? They yo faceboos. You have ya bros, ya hos, ya boos, ya cuz and ya faceboos.

faceboob meaning

Somebody who has just started using FaceBook. A newbie of FaceBook. Or better a noob in facebook.

Faceboobed meaning

When you accidentally bump the friends request on Facebook with your boob.

faceboobing meaning

Trolling through Facebook looking for sweet cleavage pics.

Faceboochisme meaning

The act of aggressive gossiping on facebook. This is usually a practice among Latino youth, but it crosses over to other ethnic groups inhabiting facebook.