facebefucked meaning and definition

facebefucked meaning

The emotion experienced by urban dictionary editors that is caused by a massive overload of definitions of names which in turn is caused by a fucking annoying comment on facebook that urges idiots to post the definitions.

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Facebeggar meaning

A person who survives extreme poverty or need through the act of panhandling gifts, money, food, housing, clothing, etc..., through Facebook.

Face Begging meaning

Face Begging is when you use social media, most often facebook, to beg people for money. A common way for people to let their friends know they are both poor and past shame.

Facebender meaning

When someone goes absolutely nuts and posts lots of garbage, drivel, crap and inarticulate nosense on Facebook.

Faceberg photo meaning

A photo posted on a social network site that only shows 10% of the total mass of the person, hiding the leviathan mass cropped out, similar to only 10% of an iceberg showing above the waterline.

Faceberry meaning

n. to utilize the popular notworking site via blackberry possibly through Facebook mobile or a blackberry Facebook app

Facebetiquette meaning

The manners one is required to display on social networking sites to avoid being the target of ire from other users.

Facebhooker meaning

A male or female that uses facebook as a means of randomly hooking up with other people. Hooker would imply that some sort of currency was exchanged for any service provided both sexual and non sexual. In this case, you usually pay for it in the end with said person you met on facebook in some form or another.

facebhukaboudit meaning

To update Facebook status, notes, images, or comments concerning the "it." An offshoot of "fuhgeddaboudit," following similar cohesion of the words, "Facebook," "about," and "it." Used to belittle and snip short unwanted divulgence of personal drama episodes.Related word: facebhukeddaboudit

facebhukeddaboudit meaning

To have updated Facebook status, notes, images, or comments concerning the "it." An offshoot of "fuhgeddaboudit," following similar cohesion of the words, "facebooked," "about," and "it."Related word: facebhukaboudit

Facebiangle meaning

When a group of individuals, the majority of which are within an arms length of each other, are engaged in a raging Facebook troll battle in the comments sections.