faceboogle meaning and definition

faceboogle meaning

Search on on a social networking site.

faceboogle meaning

To ask a question on facebook when you know the real answer will be found on google.

faceboogle meaning

When a person, usually a young, blonde woman, uses facebook as if it were google by posting simple questions as her statuses, thereby asking her friends for the answer.

faceboogle meaning

Faceboogling is what happens at the end of a porn movie, the Man faceboogles a woman, or boogles on a woman's face. Basically it means to cum on a woman's face, to faceboogle.

faceboogle meaning

An event that transpires following climax at the last scene of a pornographic movie.

faceboogle meaning

when Google buys out Facebook, and the number one Website now owns the number Two website

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Faceboogling meaning

Okay the word is the combined words of facebook and google. You use facebook to ask a question when really they could just google it and find the answer immediately.

Faceboo-hooer meaning

A Facebook whiner. Someone whose Facebook status updates constantly refer to a state of sadness, despair or gloom.

Facebooing meaning

The act of checking your 3 year old face book posts and realising how stupid they were.

Facebooj meaning

The act of being intoxicated and subliminally letting the world of FaceBook know.

facebook meaning

A much cleaner, more private alternative to MySpace.

Facebook 101 meaning

The class that should exist for everyone on facebook that posts ridiculously embarrassing or demeaning things about themselves or others.

Facebook 2014 meaning

A place where your 'friends' post pictures of themselves at parties you weren't invited to just to make you feel insignificant.

facebookable meaning

Content is considered appropriate enough to be viewed by the general public of the facebook community i.e friends/significant others/family/coworkers without having to worry about explaining a sketchy situation

Facebook Abortion meaning

When someone screws up on facebook so badly that it causes a shit storm of "defriending", "blocking" people, and general mayhem

Facebook Abuser meaning

People who post, like, comment, and chat way too much and are online 24/7