Facebooing meaning and definition

Facebooing meaning

The act of checking your 3 year old face book posts and realising how stupid they were.

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Facebooj meaning

The act of being intoxicated and subliminally letting the world of FaceBook know.

facebook meaning

A much cleaner, more private alternative to MySpace.

Facebook 101 meaning

The class that should exist for everyone on facebook that posts ridiculously embarrassing or demeaning things about themselves or others.

Facebook 2014 meaning

A place where your 'friends' post pictures of themselves at parties you weren't invited to just to make you feel insignificant.

facebookable meaning

Content is considered appropriate enough to be viewed by the general public of the facebook community i.e friends/significant others/family/coworkers without having to worry about explaining a sketchy situation

Facebook Abortion meaning

When someone screws up on facebook so badly that it causes a shit storm of "defriending", "blocking" people, and general mayhem

Facebook Abuser meaning

People who post, like, comment, and chat way too much and are online 24/7

facebook ac130 meaning

when you have posted a comment, commented on that person's status, and liked other people's wall posts on one particular person's facebook wall so many times that you have absolutely destroyed this person's wall FOREVER.

facebookacide meaning

Often caused by (a) the friend counter or (b) the relationship status. This is the act of deleting ones facebook page.Can often be depicted as a sad moment where someone finds your action a moment too late and attempts to stop you in slow motion

Facebook acquaintance meaning

Someone with whom you converse on a semi-regular basis via Facebook, but almost never in person. Should you legitimately meet said acquaintance face-to-face, neither one of you will act as if you know or have ever talked to the other.