facebook all-star meaning and definition

facebook all-star meaning

In reference to that individual whose ubiquity on Facebook includes, but is not limited to, the following: newsfeeds; friends lists; lists of mutual friends; discussion group posts; and walls. As such, they are universally recognized on campus and the feeling induced in the fortunate individual who spots an FBAS is akin to the feeling achieved during a celebrity sighting.

facebook all-star meaning

A) someone who is always on facebook and joins every group their is and has over 1000 friends B) someone who always talks about facebook or what they saw on facebook

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facebookally meaning

Its like having it be official, like a relationship or liking a band.

Facebook Always Offline meaning

When a person always puts themself offline because they don't want others to know how much time they really spend on Facebook looking at all your friends, friend requesting your friends, the first to comment on a post, reading others posts.

facebookaly meaning

Facebookaly: Adv Of, relating to, caused by, or affected by facebook activities.

Facebook ambush meaning

Lying in wait on Facebook chat until the object of your ambush appears in green, and then immediately sending them a message, commenting on something on their wall or tagging them in a post.

facebookamentals meaning

In computer science college program - the Fundamentals of Computer class where nobody is listening to the teachers and sits on facebook, chatting.

Facebook Ammo meaning

Any embarrassing, demoralizing or downright hideous picture of somebody saved on another friends camera that could be used against them for blackmail.

Facebook amnesia meaning

A condition of thoughtlessness which occurs when you open up Facebook and forget what you are doing. It is usually temporary, and the person will eventually awake as if out of a stupor. Those who suffer from it are unable to retrieve information and instead fall into a state of oblivion. The most common symptom is mental blankness where the victim descends into a deep state of incognizance.

facebook and chill meaning

Same as netflix and chill, but at the end the only pleasure is self-administered.

facebook and twitter era of campaign meaning

facebook and twitter era of campaign: with internet ,facebook and twitter era, the win of votes to your feet to knock the door are not consigned to history ;

Facebook Angel meaning

An angelic Facebook friend. This person has a mind of their own and despite what other trash talk people make about a person, they are able to rise above it, and stay out of it. In fact, they may even feel sorry for this person, they send nice jesters to the victim to try to make up for other peoples cruelty. In general, it's not in their nature to hurt ANYONE because they are a kind secure person.