GabyVasq meaning and definition

GabyVasq meaning

Someone with a jaw the size of the Crimson Chin's jaw from that T.V show The Fairly Odd Parents. Major chonga. Reffy as fuck voice. Looks like a monkey. Smells like horse shit. And has the I.Q. of a sack of rocks. Oh, and a major slut. That's all I got to say.

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gabz meaning

Often the prettiest girl in your class, has awesome fashion, is super nice and hates the drama and is better than everyone :)

GABZILLA meaning

(pronounced Gab-Zil-Ah) noun - Petite female often found in a "chill" position (also known as "Ball-Form") They are amazing creatures with piercing blue eye's, but can have different color hair. They are rarely seen with shoes and love the rain.

gabzon meaning

A sloth like monkey creature that's part ogre.

gabzy meaning

gabzy is greek for shut the hell up he is a loving guy but in other respects not very badass we all love gabzy but he can be a suck up

GAC meaning

GAC: acronym for 'guilty as charged', used on several occasions in 'Cougar Town' series one, episode seven

GACA meaning

A quick acronym meaning "Ghetto Ass Cheap Alternative" used when BOAB or another term has been worn out. Pronounced: Jah- See- Ay

Gacabari meaning

Rwandan tradional way of sex where a man flaps his penis on the woman vagina in particular clitoris( Only Rwandese in the world master this art) unitl the woman reaches orgasm.

Gaccent meaning

The practice of using a "gay accent" during the transmission of a written message or routine oral communication. One does not actually speak the word "gaccent" rather its use is implied during a feminine conversation between two males.

Gace meaning

When someone makes a face that some might call gay.

Gach meaning

Hottest fucking bitch ever. Her 500 pound leg is so hot and greasy. I just wanna cream myself.